Pedalingo eBook Dictionary From El Pedalero

I can’t believe we didn’t find it sooner! Pedalingo, an eBook dictionary by Gareth Collingwood, is an invaluable resource for anyone bicycle touring Latin America (regardless of whether or not Spanish is your first or second language!). It provides a lot of very specific terminology for bicycle parts, camping, food and travel all in colloquial regional Spanish. In addition to the eBook, there are plenty of other useful resources on El Pedalero website.

Gareth has been bicycle touring Latin America for 20 years and his website shows it. He shares a great depth of knowledge for some of the less visited countries like Venezuela and Paraguay. Check out his sage advice in a recent interview posted on

Muchas gracias, Gareth! Pedalingo will be sitting at the top of the ‘Recent Books’ list on both our Kindles for the foreseeable future!

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