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Cutting Our Trip Short!

With much regret, we’ve decided to put our bicycle tour on hold. After enduring three months of digestive discomfort and misdiagnoses, it turns out that I have ulcerative colitis. As much as I want to continue, I’ve decided to listen to the doctor and put my health first. I was having …

Secrets of the Páramos, Guatavita

Before climbing up to the higher regions of Colombia, I’d never even heard of páramos, the neotropical alpine tundra which operate like giant sponges, providing fresh water to millions of Colombians…

An Insider’s View Of Zapatoca

EQ spread himself across my lap in the back of Armando’s little Renault 4. Considering the size of this bull terrier’s canines …

Excursions Around Zapatoca

As we spent more time in Zapatoca, we realised how its charm extends beyond the colonial walls throughout the surrounding areas. Our new friend and host, Armando, introduced us to some of his favourite spots, giving us reason to stay longer than we had originally planned.